This movie started out as a crippled Apollo 13, no good end in sight, long before the first frame was shot.
When Disney bought the Star Wars franchise George Lucas had already made a mess of it, and a few poor decisions along the way had made the mess even worse. Best ignore the duct tape holding everything together.
Anyways, the planet they built the Armada on had clearly been trashed. Most of the action there took place in a mine. You could almost smell the metallic toxins if the electrical arcs didn't send you into seizures first.
Hey, did anyone else notice those planet-busters hung beneath the battleships looked like penises? That Palpatine has some serious issues. He wants to fuck over the galaxy and he's going to do it with his giant penis carriers.
I also think Palpatine lied about Rey being his granddaughter. He sought her out simply because the Force was strong in her, and he would do or say anything to convert her to the dark side. Rey was seeking family, so he was pretending to be family.
The comment about the Lesbian couple was uncalled for. It's a very bad habit of Hollywood that when a character isn't some straight white male then whatever they are has to be part of the storyline. It's okay if a character just happens to be something other than a straight white male. That doesn't have to be part of the story, and nobody has to explain it.