In which a family lived in a house for 3 months the way people lived in 1900. It was very labor intensive:
The 1900 House - episode 1 - The Time Machine
This extraordinary living experiment in understanding science and technology's transformation of family life begins with locating, restoring, decorating, and appointing the house in which a family will recreate the rigours of life in 1900. Once found, every trace of modernisation installed over time is painstakingly removed: all electrical wiring, the indoor lavatories, kitchen improvements, plasterboard covering old fireplaces -- the works! As the project proceeds, special pains are taken, down to the smallest detail, such as recreating original wallpapers when samples are unearthed, and combing the countryside for nuances of décor. After scenes of a nationwide search for the right family, we meet the Bowlers. The hour chronicles their introduction to period practices at Shugborough Hall, and joins series curator Daru Rooke on a final home inspection before the family moves in.