I have watched Midway 2019, [View all]
this Trump Era 3 times in the last 24hrs and for the life of me, I saw not one brown face, whether African-American cooks and/or service personnel cleaners, cleaners of captain's quarter, helping in the Mess, mopping up the puke from drunken sailors etc. Not even an honourable mention of Doris 'Dory' Miller who while untrained manned an anti-aircraft gun and fought back, he had watched and figured it out, eh? Not one Japanese-Hawaiian face either. Nor the intense racism they faced during the Pearl Harbor attack and afterwards. Yeah, yeah this was about the great American victory of the white race over those pesky Japanese at Midway. Which turned the tide of the 2nd WW and that saved America to continue it's the racist march to the present day where the POTUS is openly a racist and a mass murderer. But NOTHING ELES MATTERS except the victory in this entertainment paean to white supremacy, right? Breath. It's just entertainment, with yeah maybe a few small oversights, but just entertainment, right?
Folks after Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and a list longer than your arm of unarmed and usually innocent of any felony African-Americans murdered by modern-day lynch parties led by the badge and gun authority holder, no more will I ignore or minimize just how deeply ingrained racism is in the American culture/psyche. Folks enough of American racism and hatred now led by this POTUS that openly disrespects black and brown Americans, kidnaps brown children and cages them to be forever separated from their parents. Nothing much in the MSM these days though about that human rights violation. Whether intentional or unintentional. Unintentional mentioned, did I forget to say, because of deeply ingrained race hatred in American culture? And MSM's need to minimize the race hatred in America.
I will leave it alone, observation(s) over. Stay safe and have a good day now ya hear?