Canadian researchers find certain proteins are found to influence BG. [View all]
"Screaton, Canada Research Chair, senior scientist at the CHEO Research Institute, and professor at the University of Ottawa, calls the research significant. We think it is a pretty big deal.
The research focuses on a protein in beta cells found on islets of the pancreas. After a meal, the beta cells secrete insulin that helps to store food energy for future use. Diabetes develops when the islet beta cells are unable to produce enough insulin. Other research has looked at how to produce more beta cells. But the research done by Screatons lab worked on how to make existing beta cells more effective and better at secreting insulin.
The research, done on mice, found that some obese animals were able to compensate for high blood sugar levels by turning up levels of the protein SIK2 in their beta cells. Researchers also found the SIK2 works with another protein, PJA2. Diabetic mice had lost the ability to turn up production of the protein SIK2 and could not compensate for high blood sugar levels."
Wouldn't it be nice to fix a protein or two and be rid of our Type 2? I hope I live long enough to use it myself.