Why "Eating Disorders" are so difficult.. [View all]
Some of us are overweight, some are underweight, some are bulimic, or anorexic others have a combo of eating problems going from one to another..so what is the deal???Why so difficult? Why so hard to control the eating??
In my opinion, it is because we learn to "eat" solid food..pretty young, and, we learn words associated with eating.. very early....like..."cookie" "ice cream"...etc. So when we learn to "love food" very early ...(say 2 or 3.) , and if we have . "parties", where the central item is .."birthday cake"...Therefore, it is
no wonder this country has "eating problems" and one third of us are obese... We learn to eat and love what we eat, with family joining in for the fun..
I might add this addiction is not, not the usual drug/booze/thing....It is learned very young, often with family approval and participation.
I have read and heard some say, that the booze was prohibited and I had to go out and find some on my own with my friends..(say you are 14 or 15).. Yes, in many places it is illegal to buy certain kinds of booze unless you are a certain age, and many of us go out and get our own..with our friends.
.Well..It is not illegal to buy certain sugar and salt products that give a kid 4 or 5 years old a real buzz..in fact,..it is encouraged by advertisers and many others..Let's all have a great dish of "ice cream cake"..So we learn very early about the great buzz we get from sugar, salt and fats, and varying combos of those ingredients....We learn it is OK, and fun to eat them...and only later, do we learn how dangerous they are...if we get hooked on them... ...Oh..not dangerous??. Tell that to the 110 million who are obese and unable to get the weight off..
This is not an easy problem to overcome..No matter what is pushed in the check out lanes of our food stores where we can read in some magazine about the latest diet or special way to lose 8 pounds in 2 weeks...So, I will say it again.......if it were easy, it would be easy.....and the proof is, that it is not easy to take weight off and keep it off...In fact, it is one of the most difficult things we do.. proof?...most people gain the weight back because they do not change their attitude and behavior surrounding ..."the food"........
Yea...I have been there ...been obese...took it off and kept it off.. (55 pound loss over a couple of years..slow and steady..)..kept it off for over 30 years...and no...it has not been easy..it has been very, very, hard...You got to change your attitude and feelings about food, and believe me...it wasn't easy. and it isn't easy.