In reply to the discussion: The wonderful health benefits of RAW CANNABIS [View all]2naSalit
(94,599 posts)I use THC and CBD... grew a large plot of high grade CBD hybrid hemp a few years ago where we did a lot of experimenting with our crop as it grew. Licensed by the state, we had to hope the THC levels stayed seriously low with little variance. Our final results showed that we were on the edge of too high but the CBDs were also higher than most of what was grown in the area that year.
We made raw juice and drank that as an energy enhancer but it really helped we 60-somethings get our hard work done by easing our pains. We both agreed that we could never have pulled it off without the juice. Here are some of our discoveries:
We had two "juices" one was a 50/50 by volume raw leaves/RO water blended in a Vitamix and strained. 2oz was a dose that was good for several hours - call that juice 1. There was also the raw juice from the stem, that has uses too but is only available in the field - juice 2.
Juice 1 works as a tonic and pain reliever, relaxer. It is subtle but relieves pain and gives the sense that "I guess I can get that task accomplished without it hurting." It wasn't that it gave us energy like uppers, it was that you had stamina without feeling exhausted at the end of the chose. We had some at the end of the day as well, helped in going to sleep and waking without being groggy. The dosage was; 2oz 3x daily.
Juice 2 Was discovered by accident. In early harvest season the irrigation canals had tumbleweeds piling up so we had to clear those but, as we found by accident as well, that mud wasps had taken up residence in some of them. Mud wasps are viscous, fast and go for the jugular before you know what hit you. And it freaking hurts for days if you can't find some kind of relief. When I got stung, it was at the hairline on my neck, hurt like hell, I slapped some mud on it, jumped in the pickup and drove to the main house to get some baking soda on it. All of that was of marginal help. It still hurt a lot, I couldn't sleep that night. Next day, out in the field with a welt on my neck forming, I was harvest some plants. They leave a large puddle of fluid around the stump, they are really wet inside. So for some reason, in desperation from the pain, I tried putting some of the stem juice on my sting. Within minutes the pain was gone and the redness was gone within an hour.
The reason I thought of putting juice on the sting is that the year prior, same farm with a test crop, I was harvesting just buds from the plants, my hands were covered in resin and I was giving each bud a little squeeze to check for density and something wasn't right with one. As I rolled it over in my hand I found a bee which flew away. I hadn't felt anything like a sting so I didn't think much of it until it started to itch a little, still it was nothing. After several hours and a shower I saw that there was a little black spot surrounded by an "air blister" on my hand where the itching was. Turns out, it was the stinger from that bee and it never really had any affect other than the little plug I plucked out of my hand with no consequence.
I found the tea works just as well for internal pain relief and relaxation if all you have is dried plant. I also add the dried hemp to my oil based salves, seems to enhance the effect somewhat.
And it's true, there are many plants that relieve pain and promote healing.