Yeah my ex was actually into researching the ties between the GOP and the Nazis. He has a DU account somewhere though he definitely doesnt use it anymore. He is pretty anti-fascist and vigilante about nazis. So I know a little bit about Poppy, Prescott Bush etc.
And it is not as if we are paranoid pot users. This is from Wikipedia:
Bush was a founder and one of seven directors (including W. Averell Harriman) of the Union Banking Corporation (holding a single share out of 4,000 as a director), an investment bank that operated as a clearing house for many assets and enterprises held by German steel magnate Fritz Thyssen, an early supporter and financier of the Nazi Party.[10][11] In July 1942, the bank was suspected of holding gold on behalf of Nazi leaders.[12] A subsequent government investigation disproved those allegations but confirmed the Thyssens' control, and in October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II.[10]
Journalist Duncan Campbell pointed out documents showing that Prescott Bush was a director and shareholder of a number of companies involved with Thyssen. Bush was the director of the Union Banking Corporation that "represented Thyssen's US interests", continuing to work for the bank after America's entry into the war.[10][11]
I'm probably more negative/terrified about Republican/fascist politics than most people because I spent several years growing up in post-WWII Germany. What happened was not just an abstraction to me and it hasn't made me a more pleasant person to be around, sadly.
That sounds rough..I dont think any of us are as pleasant as we could be given the way the world is..
