How's the weather?
We've had several days of getting ready to and then snowing, still coming down right now, it'll all be gone by Thursday.
So how much actual soil did you need for those bags?
I am trying to decide how to go about the garden this year. One part of the puzzle includes the fact that I may move before the season is done. The good part is that if/when I do move, I'll just be moving two units over on the same property so strategic placement will afford access from either unit. The unit in between is my friendliest neighbor and would be a partner in the garden either way. I think it will go behind her place since we're situated in a kind of row with no development behind us. Have to protect from deer and wind. I think the bags might be a good idea, I can make a perimeter with hog wire. We don't have soil up on the hill, here so that has to be added and the weeds are such that a separate containerized soil is required.
I have seeds up the... so the soil and containment are my interest this time around. I still have a patch down at the bottom of the hill, at by buddy's place, that has nice black soil, he's going to actually till it with a machine this year. I got so much out of it, even with deer ravaging it in the early part of the season, that I have won the right to have a bigger, properly prepped patch this year. He just happens to like when we can go out back and get a portion of our mutual Sunday dinner, fresh as can be. I'm trying to teach him how to cook healthier foods. Having a garden out back is helpful. I told him that if I owned his place, at least half the back yard would be producing food. He's got it half full of antique trucks.
Anyway, the bag idea is intriguing, tell me more, please! (I am still also considering straw bales or an old water trough.)