I have come out for Joe [View all]
As an inside outsider I have not, to this point, put my hat in any ring, but today I am officially in the Biden camp.
Years ago, in the last democratic primary I was at newsvine (shut now), we had a real mix of progressives and conservatives, who, until it all went to shit, has some amazing intellectual discussions about policy. In 2016, as a Hillary supporter, I was subjected to the vilest of comments by Bernie supporters, who until that time had loved me when I called out republican bollocks. They were terribly rude about me having the audacity to write as a Brit about American politics, when I was pointing my finger at them rather than the right wing. Not a terribly nice bunch really as it turned out (but this is not why I am supporting Joe).
Couple this with the fact that I have witnessed a too far to the right government for my liking, winning power in the UK, because the general electorate really do not not trust that old crusty democratic socialists will be able to manage the economy and security of the nation, is a lesson that progressives need to understand.
Also, as another poster said the other day, as a white man of power, he stood at the side of younger black man for 8 years, not once trying to steal his policies or take his thunder.
Right now, in the West, we do not need revolutions, we need stability and coherency. We need to try and come together in a period where the markets are losing their minds and Covid. Joe is that guy. And I am not trying to be dramatic when I say that this matters not just for America, but for democracy in the West and not having a WW3. This is not hyperbole... If Bernie manages to seal the nomination Trump will win and democracies will die.
Yeah, in the Joe camp...if I could vote of course