Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: Your #1 pick for Biden's VP [View all]LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,022 posts)There are so many extremely qualified Democrat women in the Senate. If the margin weren't so tight I would love to see any of them as Biden's VP. We can't afford to lose any of them right now.
I agree that capturing the Senate is just as important -- if not more important -- than getting Fat Donnie out of the WH. Moscow Mitch has been doing incredible damage to the country by choosing to move only the proposed laws that serve his purpose ("The Grim Reaper" ), and approving every shithead the Tangerine King appoints as a judge, even if he has the qualifications of a grape. (No insult to grapes intended.)
Mitch could give a shit about Trump -- or our country, for that matter. He's like Heddy Lamarr ("That's Hedley!" ) in "Blazing Saddles," who sticks papers in front of the incompetent Governor Lepotomane (who wears a coat with "GOV" emblazoned on the back -- sound like someone we know who can't take off his red hat?) to sign. The governor will sign anything with a big flourish, without having a clue what he's signing, just as long as he gets to scribble his name in large letters.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden