I think most Sanders supporters and Sanders would agree that he has lost,but I think Biden supporters should recognize that in two elections he has put before the nation the ideal of a great health care system.
The problem is how do we get there and it is not by revolution but by steps forward. First, close corporate loopholes and make the rich jpay their share of taxes and raise the taxes for the wealthy slightly. Then when we have the money, we can tailor the helth care to what is financially achievable.
I live in Taiwan which has according to many the best health care system in the world. I pay as anexpat about $25 a month and have highly qualified medical personnel and doctors available. My wife, a Taiwan citizen, is over 55 and doesn't have to pay at all. The plan includes basic medical care (quite generous actually on wht is considered basic), medicine (for up to three days or so above which you have to pay a but inexpensive. Basic dental care is included (but not false teeth and such). So it is great in my winter years.
The problem in the US is very high salaries of doctors and the purposeful limiting of their number and the high costs of medicine. This has to be addressed as well. I was sick in the US for 4-5 days in the hospital. Bill was 18,000 (paid ofr by Medicad). I came down with the same problem in Taiwan. The cost was a couple of hundred dollars. Doctors get good salries, but not outstanding ones and medicine is relatively inexpensive. So with Sanders and Warren I like the ideal, but I think Biden's approach is thebest way to get us onethe way.