You could just pay a troll farm to spread memes attacking the Democratic party from the "left" arguing that the Democratic party has let African Americans down and that they should just sit out the election. It is not going to be as direct as in 2016 with folks spamming Feel the Bern posts. Instead, if you can suppress the vote among key demographics, you can help certain candidates.
Accra, Ghana (CNN)The Russian trolls are back -- and once again trying to poison the political atmosphere in the United States ahead of this year's elections. But this time they are better disguised and more targeted, harder to identify and track. And they have found an unlikely home, far from Russia itself.
In 2016, much of the trolling aimed at the US election operated from an office block in St. Petersburg, Russia. A months-long CNN investigation has discovered that, in this election cycle, at least part of the campaign has been outsourced -- to trolls in the west African nations of Ghana and Nigeria.
They have focused almost exclusively on racial issues in the US, promoting black empowerment and often displaying anger towards white Americans. The goal, according to experts who follow Russian disinformation campaigns, is to inflame divisions among Americans and provoke social unrest.
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Russia's continuing interest in Africa as a platform for expanding its influence has taken on a new complexion with the trolling enterprise in Ghana -- demonstrating an adaptability and persistence that will cause deep concern among US intelligence agencies and the technology companies.
How much do you want to bet that as we get close to the election we will see an increase in social media targeted at African Americans, perhaps quoting Cornell West, saying that the Democratic Party has failed them? This is why Bernie is being boosted by the Russians. Because he and the collection of surrogates he has gathered have long histories of attacking the Democratic party.