Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: If people over 60 stay home on Tuesday, does Sanders get more delegates? [View all]Sloumeau
(2,657 posts)However, I am hoping that the desire to remove Donald Trump will allow people to patriotically go to the polls and vote for their preferred candidate. Yet, this is another reason why Vote-By-Mail should be implemented in every state and for every election as soon as possible. We have it here in Arizona and it works well. Our Presidential Preference election is this Tuesday, but I have already voted for Biden weeks ago.
This Tuesday, my 84-year-old mother will be working as an election supervisor here in Arizona--working a 15 hour day on her feet so that people can vote. Her hands will be washed, hand sanitizer will be flowing regularly, she and all of the election staff will be wearing gloves, and she will keep her distance. Our nation has fought numerous wars to maintain our Democracy and our right to vote. I feel OK encouraging people to vote as long as they take proper precautions.
My mom has told her staff to all bring gloves for the election. I recommend everyone who does not have gloves to get some and to wear them whenever they go out, and to wash their hands before they put on their gloves. I am unwilling to let coronavirus deprive America of our democracy.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden