That old tired fart who hasn't had an original thought since 1969 claimed that young people are just like he was in 1969. This is because he is a conservative in the sense that he thinks everything should remain the same always.
Then we see from people who voted for this tiresome ass saying things like this:
Senator Sanders was counting on a massive turnout among youth voters. That simply did not happen. We should not be surprised at this. Young Americans are more interested in dating, partying, etc. than in civic engagement.
Does it occur to any of the people handing out this horseshit that maybe young people are demoralized by the world they are inheriting from the highly distracted consumer assholes of an earlier generations who filled the seas with plastic particles, let the concentration of the dangerous fossil fuel waste carbon dioxide by 100 ppm, depleted the best ores for all the important elements in the periodic table, fractured the last bit of bedrock on the planet to get the last drop of gas and oil to burn, left huge piles of waste, and spent their time talking about money when they weren't talking about "sex, drugs and rock and roll."
When we hear this bullshit about partying from a generation of old farts who had this particular rallying cry in
their youths, "Sex, drugs and rock and roll," as a boomer myself, I react with complete contempt for the avatars of that silly old man in the metaphorical Che Guevara tee shirt featuring Che with a joint hanging out of his mouth.
Maybe young people didn't turn out for Sanders because he
offends them with his ludicrous Trumpian claim - Trumpian as much as it is merely something he made up while having no evidence - that they
would have voted for an old 1969 radical without an original idea
since 1969 if they were inspired to vote, that he, a dinosaur, speaks for them.
It may not be entirely their fault that they were not so inspired.
I have heard the sarcastic remark from some millenials who have referred to Covid-19 as "Boomer Remover." This of course, does not speak for that generation as a whole any more than drunks on the beach at Spring Break speak for that generation, but overall these kids are remarkable. They are smart, hard working, and highly aware. If some of them are secretly wishing that we would just go away, I personally can't blame them.
We created a dying world. It is for the young to bring it back to life. They will be a
great generation not because of us, but in spite of us.