Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: I feel like I'm the only Biden supporter who wishes Bernie was more competitive... [View all]NNadir
(35,001 posts)My oldest son, also Millennial, and I disagree on the cause of low Millennial turn out, to the extent it is real.
I strongly object however to any claim that it arises out of laziness, intellectual or moral weaknesses, or general disinterest in the world. I do suspect an element of demoralization and a feeling of hopelessness because of all the bashing.
I was at a scientific conference recently and I met a young college student who expressed surprise that I was speaking in praise of young people. It broke my heart when she told me that "I almost never hear that." Jesus Christ! She was at a fairly high level scientific conference and she was feeling like that. I don't know anyone in my age group who was attending these kind of events when we were her age.
All I know is that we have left you a severely damaged planet, depleted resources, and now feel as if it is our right to bash you, even though in my experience, you have it in you to be a great generation. I am very, very, very, very impressed with young people today, and, to me, it has been a traditional role - not all tradition is worthless - for political liberals to praise and cheer for the young.
To the extent we fail to do that, and to the extent that we write scripts about what you are doing by projecting our own failings, we have failed to carry forth that tradition.
And no, I don't believe for a New York second that the collapse of Sanders' campaign is the fault of young people. It is not young people's fault that his ideas are the same as those he held in 1969 and that he is an uninspiring old grouch.
We boomers, spoiled children that we have always been, need to grow up and place blame where it lays, and much of it lays on us.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden