Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: Bernie just plain F'd up. [View all]Indykatie
(3,853 posts)do with his ideology. Some of these reasons may seem petty but I think they are responsible for Bernie doing so poorly once folks started voting in large numbers. His early wins in 2 caucuses and a small White state crowned him as a false front runner for the nomination.
1. Bernie is seen an as opportunistic interloper who shows up every 4 years and uses the Dem party for his run. Once that's over he can't wait to run away from the party and go back to his Independent brand. It was a HUGE mistake for him to do this in 2016. It branded him as a carpetbagger to many Dems. Many folks were turned off by that, including some 2016 supporters.
2. There was some truth in what Hillary said. No body likes Bernie. Of course some people do like him but in general he's not likeable. We laugh at the "who would you want to have beer with" question but likability matters. He comes off as an angry, holier than thou, scolding type who rarely seems happy. The thought of having him or Biden in our living rooms for 4 years is a no-brainer to most people.
3. Bernie did better in 2016 because of the anti-Hillary vote. That's a fact and that vote was larger than anyone realized including Bernie. He misread all his votes as being pro-Bernie. They were NOT and with other choices to vote for people did just that. 35% only keeps you winning when it's a crowded field.
4. Bernie is unable to attract a large number of surrogates, either politicians or non-elected people who are respected, liked and admired by the public and the AA community unlike Biden. His closest circle are disliked by a large number of Dems with Nina Turner seen as the worst of the lot. These loyalists also have a history of hating on Dems and our party and have continued to do so during the 2020 primary cycle. How smart is that? He and his surrogates also have an anti-Obama history. Any White man who thinks he can win the Dem nomination with that in his past is just not clued into the African American community.
Why is anyone surprised that Bernie isn't winning? Voters can separate the ideas from the man and a majority of folks have decided they don't like or want the messenger. Jeremy Corbyn in the UK has many of the same issues that Bernie has. I personally think that if Bernie were to win the nomination it would have the same effect that Corbyn had on the Labour party this last election. Labour was wiped out in favor of a party led by a mad and unqualified conservative.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden