Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: Bernie Sanders wants to get rid of billionaires. All of them. [View all]quakerboy
(14,217 posts)Given that 3m, a main maker of the masks was apparently only able to donate 500k.. 300k seems like a generous estimate for a discount hardware chain. Especially given reports locally are that the store are still selling ppe to private parties, not holding them for donation. But even if it were somehow double, or even triple what I calculated.. It wouldnt change the basic math of the situation.
I am not dissing him. Im glad he is doing what he is doing. I just find it much more impressive when I see on my local face book group that a pair of disabled seniors on SSI are donating their stocks of PPE to the local hospital rather than keeping them for their own personal quite justified needs. The (in this case literal) widows pittance will always impress me more than a donation by a rich person, especially when the latter is in amounts that are pocket money for the rich person in question.
We need what everyone has to give. But I'm not going to give inflated high marks to billionaires who are doing what is for them comparatively equivalent having some pennies fall out of their pockets. Even at their best, they are not doing more than other people.
Its the People of this nation that will save us from this disaster Trump has shoved us into. Its your daughter and the rest of us in "essential" jobs that are throwing ourselves in the way of danger to make sure that people have the care and necessities that they need to try and survive this disease and the Trumpheaval surrounding it.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden