Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: It's wasn't a conspiracy or a fluke. The voters didn't want a revolution. [View all]BidenBacker
(1,089 posts)But I just like to say that to make Republican ears burn. They're all supply-siders when a Dem is in office but when they wreak havoc on the economy then all of a sudden they just LOVE them big demand-side government bailouts to keep their rotten economy afloat...LOL.
Seriously, I hope to hell we're all prepared for just how hamstrung Biden's gonna be when he becomes POTUS. Goppers are always pulling this shit. Reagan TRIPLED the national debt in just 8 years, so when Clinton got in there we soon had numbskull Newt with his "Contract on America" and they forced Bill to forego some much-needed Dem policies because all of a sudden it was critical to move towards a balanced budget.
Then Idiot Son Dubya blew about $5 trillion on his Iraq fiasco and trillions more on his reckless tax cuts so when Obama got into office all of a sudden the fucking Tea Party sprang outta the Pubbie hypocrisy muck and every time Barack wanted to implement some liberal spending he had to pay for it outta some other liberal piggy bank.
Now we got the Fuhrer...trillions more red ink thanks to HIS giveaway to the wealthy and corporations. That was supposed to generate what...5%, no 6%, no 8% GDP growth. LOL...2 or 3 years later and we're having to pump $2 or $3 trillion into the economy just to prop up the stock market and counter millions suddenly outta work. And that's probably just the FIRST installment.
WTF do we think's gonna happen when THAT huge bill comes due and Joe's sitting in the White House wondering where the hell he's gonna get the money to fix this or improve that while Goppers are running around screaming "our deficits are too high!"?
Fucking Republicans...I hate those bastards.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden