as Joe was campaigning for winning Democrats in 2018 and helping them to take back the House...
Bernie and his army are losing 2018
Bernie Sanders is sputtering.
Two years after his defeat in the 2016 presidential primary, the Vermont senator has amassed a growing string of losses in races in which he has intervened. Beginning last year, Sanders-backed candidates faltered in an Omaha mayoral race and a nationally watched House race in Montana.
Then came Rep. Tom Perriellos loss in Virginias gubernatorial primary, and in June, the drubbing in Iowa of Pete DAlessandro, a top adviser to Sanders during his 2016 Iowa caucus campaign. Cathy Glasson, endorsed by Sanders successor group, Our Revolution, fell short in Iowas gubernatorial primary, as did Peter Jacob and Jim Keady in two New Jersey House races. Dennis Kucinich lost in Ohio.
Tuesday night brought Sanders and his army their latest blow, with a pair of high-profile losses in Michigan and Kansas.
Emerging from the 2016 election, Sanders political prospects appeared to hinge on his ability to sway the Democratic Partys left flank. And Sanders campaign is widely considered instrumental in a recent surge in small donors and young people registering to vote, and in the elevation of issues such as student debt and universal health care.
Yet in high-profile races across the country, Sanders-backed candidates continue to falter at the ballot box. The losses suggest organizational weaknesses that could hamper Sanders if he runs for president again in 2020 even as a diaspora of Sanders-aligned candidates continues to test his appeal in the midterm elections.
Yeah, let's nominate THIS guy. Or at least buy him a better pair of glasses so he can read the writing on the wall.