Even though written by Jennifer Rubin, a Never-Trumper but still considered the enemy by many Dems.
I think Rubin has a good point in Joe Biden being able to differentiate himself from the 'crazy socialist' label (although I fully expect Trump and his enablers to tout that line anyway). By appealing to the center-left voting public, Biden deflates the standard argument that all Dems are socialists/commies while leaving room for disgruntled Republicans and crossover Indies, those who can actually see the Mad King for what he is. And I have no problem with those voters joining the effort to destroy Trump before he thoroughly destroys the country. We can go back to the standard cat-fighting once the real danger is eliminated: Donald Trump and Trumpism, his fascist chorus and every Republican who thought supporting this petty, vindictive criminal was a good way to stay in power.
As for the small contingent of Bernie supporters who are unreachable? Think she's right about that, too. Just as there are Trumpers and Trumpettes (my cousin is one of them), there will be nothing to change certain minds or allegiances.
Biden appeals to the majority of Democratic voters: slightly liberal to moderate to conservative. He's viewed as a good guy with experience and knowledge to put the pieces back together so we can move forward to the urgent needs facing the American people. He's also trusted, a virtue that seems almost quaint in the Trump era.
Anyone outside of Democratic circles who desires to join the fight against Trump should be welcomed. Because this will be a fight for our lives, one that will shape the future for good or ill.
We need to make sure it's for good.