Democratic Primaries
Showing Original Post only (View all)Daily Beast: It's Over. Bernie's Push for a Trump-Like Takeover Is Done. [View all]
I think the big difference is that members of the liberal progressive movement, which BS refers to as the "establishment," have a sense of humility and generally place the needs of the American people above their own needs unlike Republicans who were happy to focus on beating each other up while Trump was happy to attack Republicans as an "outsider" and grab the Republican nomination with less than a majority of Republican delegates.
It is clear that Bernie was hoping for similar narcissism among his Democratic opponents. However, they are not narcissists. Folks like Elizabeth Warren saw the bigger picture of the need to beat Trump and to beat Republicans and she suspended her campaign as did other folks like Klobuchar and Buttigieg. The needs of the American people are bigger than ego or ambitions of one man.
Yet, like Trump who alleged in 2016 that the Republican primary was rigged if he didn't win, we have Bernie who is going to be just as vindictive in trying to burn down the Democratic party to elevate himself because he did not get his way. Now, I think Bernie is going to stay in through the very end and utilize every trick available to try to undermine efforts to beat Trump in an effort to punish Democrats for once again rejecting him.
Remember, Trumps Republican adversaries assumed he would eventually flame out (while also hoping they might inherit his rabid supporters). Conversely, Democrats harbored no such illusions about Sanders potential for collapse. Indeed, his big victory in Nevada seems to have provoked an overwhelming response. (Related, its possible that some of Sanders success in 2016 had to do with Hillary Clintons unique weaknesses as a candidate, not least with some of the Democratic base.)
Second, Democrats retain some semblance of adult leadership. Whereas rank-and-file Republicans had largely turned their backs on their standard bearers (George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney) in favor of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter, establishment Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama still command a lot of respect from their rank and file. We dont know what Obama said to Mayor Pete during their pre-Super Tuesday phone call, but we do know that Buttigieg promptly got out of the race and endorsed Biden.
Of course, and this is reason three, the real credit belongs to the sane and normal Democratic voters (most of all African-Americans) who joined hands to become Bidens firewall.
Because of the diversity in the Democratic Party, winning the nomination requires stitching together a diverse coalitiona project that tends to have a moderating effect.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden