Intelligence warned the Trump Administration that a pandemic was not a matter of if but when. The Obama Administration left plenty of info and preparatory work, not to mention an infrastructure to deal with a likely global viral emergency. As a layman, I've been tracking this virus since early January when the Chinese government reported 400 cases. The Chinese probably underreported the number then but the seriousness of the contagion was clear and evident. Not seeing the danger means Trump and his den of incompetents were willfully blind. Because God forbid there should be anything left with President Obama's signature on it.
The 'we couldn't possibly have known' is just another attempt to shirk responsibility. When Trump has the audacity to say: some people said we should just ride it out. He should be called on the carpet. Because it was Trump and his brilliant advisors who thought 'riding it out' was just dandy. Until they saw the mortality statistics--2.2 million dead Americans. Those were the days when the infection was just going to 'wash over us like a wave.' And then vanish like a miracle. Easy peasy.
Bullshit, all of it.
They had the chance to contain this virus and they blew it. They've screwed up every element, wrecked people's lives by putting them at risk, brought what healthcare system we have left to its knees and even managed to destroy the economy.
These serial liars don't even have the decency to say they're sorry. No, they're too busy blaming everyone else and/or throwing excuses at the wall hoping something sticks.
All these suckers should be hanged from lamp posts. I'll settle for their removal in November. And if the gods are just, criminal prosecutions in 2021.
Never forget, never forgive!