The way I see it Trump supporters and Sanders supporters are much alike in one regard but are very different in one fundamental and crucially important way.
For 40 years now we've all been living under the thumb of repressive Reaganomics. As we all know Democratic social and economic policies benefit the vast majority of Americans while Republican policies favor only the few. Trump supporters are those who have bought into this Ronnie bullshit for over a full generation now, stupidly believing that if you give enough to the wealthy eventually a little of it will trickle down to them. Wrong as wrong can now as a result of decades of this nonsense many of them are quite predictably desperate and in dire economic straits. Since they've been brainwashed year after year after year into loathing the left for many of them voting Democratic is anathema to the dogma that has been drilled into their brains. So when they abandoned the "normal" GOP rather than give the Dems a shot they instead turned to Trump in the futile hope that "he alone can fix it". They are finding out just how wrong they were and yet their hatred of liberals will prevent them from ever voting blue no matter how much they themselves get hurt. In fact, it often seems that even as they suffer badly at the hands of the man they made POTUS their only solace is that he attacks the liberals they so despise.
Bernie's folks are similar in their recognition that trickle-down has been an abject failure. But the huge difference between them and Trumptards is that since they are Democrats they care about what is happening to millions of their fellow Americans just as much if not more than their own personal situations. Many BS supporters are actually relatively well off but are still pissed off because so many others are hurting. Contrast this to Trumpists who mostly only care about themselves and their immediate families and perhaps a small circle of close friends. After that to hell with everybody else.
That is the fundamental difference between the two groups that we should try to keep in mind. If Sanders supporters come to their senses and start thinking as you do and stop attacking our best hope of getting rid of Trump then I'm pretty sure Biden folks will welcome them with open arms. Because while we disagree on how exactly we should get to where we wanna go there is very little disagreement on what we want as a group once we finally get there.