Sen Sanders never had the voters to win the election in the first place. [View all]
According to many polls , articles etc.. anywhere from 15 to 20% of Sanders possible voters will not vote for anyone but Sanders.. they will vote for Trump for example.
That should quickly become obvious that a fifth of the Sanders supporters are either republicans messing with our party or other countries playing in our politics.
There was never a day Sen Sanders would ever be President. Because if a fifth of his supporters cannot find enough ground for any other Democrat.. (and let me tell you, they tried to destroy Sen Warren who is philosophically in their supposed wheelhouses..) so that fifth of the voters are cuckoos laying their eggs in the Democratic nest.
Four fifths of that 30%( who Sen Sanders identified as his base to get him elected) are honest to God MFA supporters who took him at his word, and were betrayed.
I would have been much more sympathetic to the Sanders campaign if he had not rehired so many whose whole purpose was to destroy the Democratic Party.. It was never about principal for that group in the end. They betrayed four fifths of Sanders people who have worked for him. Because their personal politics are more important than moving the country along.
Sen Sanders the time is past. Push those cuckoos out of YOUR nest and stand with the Democrats who have supported you through the years..