Its now clear that this stark contrast could define the 2020 campaign.
Democrats are unveiling new ads highlighting Trumps serial failures to take the coronavirus seriously. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is urging surrogates to claim, laughably, that Trump is leading the nation in the war against coronavirus, and to cast the former vice president as the opposition in that war.
Trump, Jan. 22: The president tells CNBC that we have it totally under control and its going to be just fine.
Top Biden adviser, Jan. 22: Ron Klain, a Biden adviser who managed the 2014 Ebola response, co-writes a piece excoriating Trump for brashly dismissing coronavirus as under control, while calling for expertise to guide critical decisions and noting reasons for great concern.
Trump, Jan. 24: Trump praises and gives thanks to China for its efforts to contain the coronavirus, and adds: It will all work out well.
Biden, Jan. 27: Biden publishes an op-ed in USA Today hitting Trump for shortsighted policies" that "have left us unprepared for a dangerous epidemic, and warning that the coronavirus will get worse before it gets better.
Trump, Jan. 30: Trump says at a rally in Michigan: We think we have it very well under control.
Biden, Jan. 31: Biden tells reporters in Iowa that science must lead the way, adding: We have, right now, a crisis with the coronavirus.
Biden, Feb. 1: Biden tweets: We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science.
Trump, Feb. 2: Trump goes on Sean Hannitys show and claims: We pretty much shut it down, coming in from China. Trump extols our tremendous relationship with China, and adds: We did shut it down, yes.