Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: Bernie Sanders 'Morally Bankrupt' for Taking Campaign Donations During Coronavirus Crisis [View all]Demsrule86
(71,036 posts)thrown in is just what Sanders supporters should do. Don't send it to Biden's campaign which will be used to take Trump on in November. After all, winning isn't everything and all. Such a great idea to send Sanders more money now that mathematically, he will not be the nominee ...sure beats say flushing it down the toilet. I am sure Sanders supporters are not laid off but are rolling in extra money. I mean Sanders assures us that at least some will go to charity anyway. Sending it to food banks or to people who are literally in danger of starving to death would be a waste. Good on Sander's supporters. It is a perfect picture of Sander's losing campaign to ask for money to fund a losing primary campaign and use charity as the reason ...even though not all the money will go to charity. And they said it couldn't be done...the campaign motto is me not us? I think that was it. Brilliant!.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden