on Joe...his sister worked for a a firm that got money for ads? Really that is all you have? The sister's daughter worked in the campaign and was hired by Obama-really? That is it? That is hardly the same thing as the lifetime of money Sanders paid Jane (himself after they married)... I can't believe you would post something that unintentionally shows Sanders in such a bad light...of course it skips entirely over the college issue with Jane and her daughter. It also skip over the fact that Jane received money as a result of the deal to send nuclear waste to a poor brown area in Texas for years; She was on some board. Large sums were paid to family members out of the Sanders' Charitable foundation too.
And as for Joe, most of this article is about Hunter where Biden is concerned...he had jobs that author hints were because of his Dad's status-not one hint that Biden had anything to do with helping Hunter get these jobs. Well Hunter was grown and that has nothing to to do with Biden...when I read this I came away with this opinion;Joe Biden is squeaky clean while Sanders has given his family member paychecks out of charitable or campaign funds for decades. Despite the attempt to play 'what about' in this article, the bottom line is Biden did not become a millionaire while in the Senate and never played the market either viewing it as a conflict of interest. I find some of Sanders activities with family and money as detailed in this article and from other sources as well troubling.