1. Biden has denied the accusation
2. Reade has changed her story from last year
3. Reade said she didn't initially report it because no one witnessed the incident
"the Biden campaign also released a statement from Marianne Baker, an executive assistant to Biden from 1982 to 2000. In all my years working for Senator Biden, I never once witnessed, or heard of, or received, any reports of inappropriate conduct, period not from Ms. Reade, not from anyone, Baker said. These clearly false allegations are in complete contradiction to both the inner workings of our Senate office and to the man I know and worked so closely with for almost two decades.
When Flores' at the beginning of the primary campaign came out and revealed the uncomfortable behavior from Biden, Reade said, "he put his hand on my shoulder and ran his finger up my neck.
Now she changes here story and says she was "digitally raped"
After repeated questions at the time Flores never alleged that Biden had sexually molested her, nor did any of the other women including Reade.
Now Reade, a Sanders supporter, comes out when it is obvious her candidate sanders is losing, and calls Biden a rapist, WHICH HE DENIES
The people on the Sanders campaign are no strangers to lying about their opponents. Look what they did to Hillary. The David Sirotas, Briahna Joy Gray, and Nina Turner.
These are the same people who called Hillary and Obama every foul name in the book.
The fact that Reade was busy getting rid of her past tweets before changing her story sounds similar to what David Sirota was doing, by getting rid of the Hillary hating tweets encouraging people not to vote for Hillary before he joined the sanders campaign.
No I will NOT take this Sanders supporter's word for it, just because she says it. She has already changed her story from a year ago, and removed tweets that didn't reflect well about her before coming out with this
I will not say what I really feel about the Sanders campaign