Reading through the Working Families Party twitter feed. [View all]
The Working Families Party made a bold call endorsing Warren early in the contest. They have also opposed Bloomberg in NYC elections.
So I decided to read through their twitter feed starting with the days before the debate, and enjoy the aftermath; wishing, I thought, I could have been at a WFP watch party.
I was expecting a lot of joy. Instead I was humbled by the tweets of those on the receiving end of stop-and-frisk, sexual harassment, and a contemptuous city hall. One post I can't forget - a woman who said she was triggered by seeing Bloomberg again on TV.
In a primary contest, I had got caught up in the game, forgetting the human cost, the people Elizabeth is fighting for. People taking home the minimum wage on the edge of disaster, those humiliated by their day in the bankruptcy court, the families thrown out of their homes by predatory lending, sick parents struggling to put on a brave face for their children, the AA mothers who lose lives in pregnancy, minority neighborhoods suffering by toxic dumps and poisonous smoke stacks, the women silenced throughout the trauma of sexual harassment, the list goes on and on.
And when I see Elizabeth talking about these things on stage, what I notice is the honesty, the empathy, the compassion. It's easy to get caught up in the sizzle of a bank exec or a billionaire being decapitated by the professor, more difficult to stay in touch with what the fight is about. Elizabeth cares about ordinary people more than she abhors the privileged who oppress them.
Big Structural Change is about human values, a better world, the hopes and dreams of our children. Elizabeth is an extraordinary woman running for president 'because that's what girls do. I want to live in Elizabeth Warren's America.