General Discussion
In reply to the discussion: I am appalled at the ageist comments I am reading. [View all]Hekate
(95,302 posts)
werent addressing our needs then. What to do, what to do?
WE GOT INVOLVED IN POLITICS, THATS WHAT. Nobody invited us in. Nobody offered us a seat in Congress, or the City Council, for that matter.
Did we all stand outside and pout and say oh woe is me? No we marched and wrote things and people learned how the dreaded system works, and became organizers and precinct workers and registrars of voters.
A lot of people were satisfied with volunteering at that level for the rest of their lives, all the while working for wages at something else. But some decided they want to get elected to a local office and learn how to do that and they did. Then the next office higher. Those are the people who are now the old people the youngsters are bitching about oh deary me, why dont the old useless office holders give it away when its demanded of them in a strident voice?
Because power is never given, it is taken. And the way thats done is to actually work in politics.
The rant is not addressed to you, because you know all this having lived it. Its pretty much a reaction to some of the posts above.