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In reply to the discussion: Why? [View all]Americanme
(100 posts)I was raised to be a believer, but it never made sense to me. What did this creator do with his time before he created us? Are we the product of boredom? I think men created the creator, to answer any questions they had no answers for. What I really don't understand is American Christianity. Do they realize they are worshipping a watered down version of a middle eastern religion? A god named YHWH? Disciples named Kephas, Tau'ma, Bar-talmai, and Yehuda? No, I think every character in the bible must have been white, had American names, and wore the good old red, white, and blue. And you know they supported the 2nd amendment, that "thou shalt not kill" stuff, that's meant for those other folks. As the religion spread, it had to be changed over and over again, to be palatable to the masses. All the years I went to church, the lessons were the same, over and over. Not until I quit going to church and read the entire bible at home did I learn some weird stuff was in there. Imagine what was removed over the centuries.