Personally, I'm more than over voting for the "lesser of two evils". Because I'd still be voting for an evil. If it's Hillary vs the Donald in November, I don't really give a flying fuck who wins. Not that I think they are the same, because they are not, but it's a question of Do I want to go to Hell in a handbasket now? Or next week?
Hillary still supports the TPP, thinks a $12/hour minimum wage is just fine, is willing to compromise on a woman's right to control her own body, will be happy to make cuts in Medicare and Social Security. How exactly is this fighting for women and children? She hasn't a clue. Nor do her groupies. All they can see is OMG! A WOMAN PRESIDENT!!! without really looking at who she is, what she has actually done over the years, her advocacy of war war war.
No, thank you. I could quietly leave this country, or stay here and live quietly. I have decent resources, meaning I'm not dependent on just my Social Security to survive. I actually saved money and invested it over the years, and while I'm not exactly rich by objective measures, I do have enough of a nest egg to hang in there.
So all of you Hillary people, go ahead and vote for her. And when you find yourselves working two minimum wage jobs with no benefits, reflect back on her time on the Walmart board, when she quietly acquiesced to their union busting. Unions that made the middle class in this country. Unions that gave us the forty hour week, vacations, sick pay, and health care benefits. And remember that she clearly doesn't care at all about those things, because she can get a cool quarter of a million dollars per paid speech. Oh, yes, she and Bill were "flat broke" when they left the White House, but I suspect her version of flat broke is nothing like mine or yours. I bet she never had to choose between paying the electric bill or the water bill. I bet she was never two paychecks from homelessness. Flat broke my ass.
So go ahead and vote for her. But don't be the least bit surprised at what happens under her administration.
I will be happily saying I told you so.