Want to Make a MAGAT's Head Explode? - Just play this [View all]
This really works. I've seen it work.
One aspect of the Narcissistic personality disorder that characterizes MAGATs is an inability to process or understand emotional information. This extends to the inability to process, appreciate or even understand music beyond the most rudimentary rhythm and tonal progressions. Many can't even discern one melody from another. Combine this with their innate ignorance and you get people who do not understand that "Stars and Stripes Forever" is a different piece of music from "Star Spangled Banner".
Many, many, many, years ago, I heard a morning drive DJ (midwest, REDDD state) play this piece as a joke, only to have the station besieged by complaints and even death threats for "How dare you disrespect our national anthem like that" Since then, I tried it out on a manager of mine who was a fulminating Narcissistic Sociopath, with the same result.
So play this for that anti-social MAGAT who has shown up for Thanksgiving. Let us know how it went.