MT, about 3 miles west of the Wyo border and from what I hear in this neck o' the woods is that she is not well thought of. The Cheney name brand is only welcomed by their 1% buddies who trashed Jackson Hole and put an International airport inside a National Park (GTNP). That area was really nice until that clan started moving their 1% buddies in such that the billionaires are pushing the millionaires out... so the local saying goes. anyone who actually works in Jackson can't afford to live within ten miles of their workplace and most have to drive over Teton Pass into Idaho to find a place to live... and that's usually pretty pricey.
The Cheney's have outlived their welcome in the state for most of the resident's comfort. Many still recall how Daddy Dick suddenly claimed he lived in Wyoming after having resided in Texas for a long time just so he could be on the Bush ticket an admin who decided to nearly starve the NPs to near death... that doesn't go over well with the locals who depend on the parks for their livelihood and who actually live, work and die here.
Like RMoney, Daddy Dick simply claimed that one of his summer trophy homes was his main residence, RMoney was just following Daddy Dick's example.
If she gains any ground there should be a lot of inquiry as to how that came to be... cheating can be expected.
Notice the darkest counties in Wyoming (on the map) is where most of the money resides and it's all National Park boundary dwellers (1%ers) and oil/natural gas extraction territory.