It's been very hard watching you suffer so much. (Not nearly as hard as it is for you, I know, but still!) I know a lot of us, including myself, would very much like to help, and many of us have urged you to seek a second opinion from another health care provider. A couple of people recently made the great (imo) recommendation of seeing an osteopathic physician. You always thank us for our concern (you're very welcome!), but it doesn't sound like you have followed up on any of the suggestions that have been made. Could you possibly explain why that is?
Please believe me when I say I am not trying to push you to do anything you don't want to do. I would just like to understand your thinking on this.
The thing is, I am worried about you, and I'm sure I'm not the only one here who feels that way. This has been going on for too long without getting any better, which leads me to believe it's highly unlikely to ever get better on its own. Furthermore, I worry that the longer this goes on, the chances of lasting damage will increase, until it's too late.
There is obviously something VERY wrong, and the dentist who harmed you is obviously never going to admit it or try to help you. I'm struggling to understand why you don't seem to want to have someone else take a look.
OF COURSE, you are under absolutely no obligation to explain yourself to anyone, but if you could, I would appreciate more than you can imagine. The reason only I'm saying all this is because I wish you happiness and healing and would like to help you get there if I possibly can.