A sad update on Tegwen, the sweet little feral kitten I desperately tried to save [View all]
She has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and is now with her sisters, Dwyn and Twyla. This was the most difficult thing I've experienced since losing Tudor. Twyla was a tiny girl. Dwyn was only slightly bigger. Tegwen was just beautiful. They were all fluffballs. I now know that all 3 were lost to anemia due to fleas. I only started looking after them when their mom stopped. One by one. Twyla was the first.
Sunday, which was the last night of Dwyn's life I had her in a pouch, strapped to my chest. She was so weak. Somehow she wiggled out when I briefly fell asleep. I woke up because she had crawled up and nestled on my shoulder and gave me some head nuzzles. That was at about 3am. She crossed the bridge at 6. Just before she left she let out the sweetest little meow, as if she was saying goodbye.
Tegwen did almost the exact same thing. She was a fighter and tried so hard to stay. I've never seen such tenacity in a kitten. But just before she left she inched her way to my shoulder and just before she left she said goodbye. She was a kitten who knew her own mind. Last night she really wanted to sleep on the floor so guess what old woman made up a makeshift mattress and joined her. Deep down in my heart I've known she would leave, very soon. I spent 8 hours, today, just holding her and trying my best to help her stay. It just wasn't meant to be.
I am shattered, both emotionally and physically because I haven't slept in 3 nights and barely eaten in 3 days. I'm going to give the outdoor babies their nightly treats, then the same with the indoor kidcats, and then I'm going to bed. The kidcats, particularly the boys, will be happy to have their mom back to snuggle with at night.