In reply to the discussion: The strangest and most beautiful thing happened today at mom's funneral. [View all]Moostache
(10,201 posts)My mom passed from COVID in November of 2020. It has left a gaping wound in our family ever since and the pandemic and everything else going on has only contributed to my personal gloom and a greiving process that won't end...but right after my mom passed two immensely comforting things happened to me that keep me from the abyss when the bad days still call...
First was a coincidence, or sign, that happened the morning my mom passed and my phone randomly started playing Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline" for no apparent reason - a song that was from one of mom's favorite singers. This could have been mere coincidence, but whether it was or not, it FELT real and I needed it at that moment to steady myself and get my bearings again. So whether it was a message directly from mom, or a lesson from mom's time with me previously, it did what I needed at that point and its something that will remain with me for the rest of my life.
Secondly, was a feeling, an emotion that came over me while seeing a hallway nightlight that mom brought to my basement years ago and used all the time. I just felt like things were going to be okay, a warmth, almost like the hug I wanted so dearly that would never come again; and I could almost hear my mom's voice at the same time...the feeling of peace and love was overwhelming, the reassurance that part of her essence remains with me was a gift.
As a non-believer, I can't say that these were more or less than my mind's way of processing my grief and making my life lessons come alive in a way I needed at the time...but I can say that doesn't make them any less real for me.
May you continue to receive warm and loving memories as well!