You are right, that many areas must be considered. I could add to them by saying that Lie Detectors don't work all that well, and are often inadmissible in court for that reason. There's also the use of Valium to eliminate nervous reactions, and the fact that narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths don't have anxious reactions to lying because they really don't give a crap about it at a fundamental level. They justify it, as a matter of essential behavior, for them. And the myth of Lie Detectors detecting lies is silly, when they say that what they really detect is anxiety. If they ask someone if they like "murder" they might get a strong reaction if they hated it, as well as if they had a bunch of bodies in their basement. And how do they think we're supposed to judge people's nose temperature? Grab it? That may lead to a very short conversation indeed. Whoever made this video appears to have been justifying the grant money they wasted on this blob of useless generalities. And what about hot flashes? Do we wake up at 4 am, all hot and sweaty at age 55 because we've been lying? More nonsense. Glad you saw through it.