about TA calling her out by name, that hide is ironic. Also, I've been called out all over this site, complete with screen shots, and NONE of those call outs have been hidden. In fact, I have seen people who themselves engage in and support call outs denounce what they see as call outs in this group.
The last line of the alert is interesting. The alerter imagines that only a few DUers think sexist slurs an issue, whereas the rest consider women fair game to insult at will? Is that his argument? That is sadly revealing of that person's mindset. The majority demographic of the Democratic Party constitutes "a few" that don't count enough to be respected by the far more important minority voting group who believes themselves entitled to insult women for kicks. I beg to differ. The majority of DUers do not consider sexist insults or sexism of any kind acceptable and have said so repeatedly.
Yes, MercuryBlues' OP was far more insulting that threats of death and rape that none of the anti-HOF crowd has seen fit to denounce in anyway. Alerter and HOF watchers, why is it that you so loudly and often express your opposition to the existence of this group and the fact we post about feminist issues in GD, but can't bother to express even slight disapproval for threats of rape and death against a member of this group? What people object to and what they don't reveals their values. The fact that none can bring themselves to speak out against threats of rape but instead voice outrage to feminists and so-called "radfems" rather than those who threaten violence shows precisely what matters to them.