Posting while Feminist [View all]
Last edited Wed Jun 25, 2014, 10:11 PM - Edit history (1)
I wasn't sure whether to bring this up, but the fact I am a leftist and an outspoken feminist has led to some internet stalking of me by non-Duers. This has gone on for sometime, and no real harm has resulted from it. But I now find myself the target of sex fantasies that I call rape stories, rape because I do not consent to them, nor would I ever consent to sex with the persons involved.
Lots of people are ridiculed for their views. It seems we as women, however, face a particular kind of ridicule of our sexuality, as recent threads in HOF and GD have discussed. I can't do anything about this, but I have to say it creeps me out. It reminds me of when I was a Teaching Assistant in grad school for a class of a few hundred students, and a student turned in an essay exam with an in-depth rape fantasy about me. In that case, he didn't just talk about having sex with me, but described in great detail, using the word rape, how he wanted to violate me.
This other group just thinks it's funny to talk about how awful it would be to have sex with me, yet despite their claims that such a prospect is off-putting, they insist on talking sexually about me with great frequency. That I express views they disagree with justifies all of this in their minds.
My experience is just one in millions of cases of women who are demeaned sexually for expressing their views online. It happened to Seabeyond, when a member used a sock to wish she would be raped, and I'm guessing similar things have happened to other women here too. That it is common, however, doesn't make it any less repulsive.