‘Choking Girls All Around The World’ Seminar Ends In Australia Amid Protests [View all]
Self-proclaimed date coach Julien Blanc has cancelled his seminar tour in Australia and left the country after officials revoked his visa in light of online protests that highlighted his longtime promotion of abusive behavior against women.
In recent months, Blanc, a representative of global dating help company Real Social Dynamics, attained a following of men desperate for companionship through his Ph.D. in female attraction program. The dating strategy Blanc touts in online videos and in-person sessions centered on the use of force and disregard of consent as a means of gaining a womans attention.
Blanc took things further when he put his words into action through his social media campaign, #ChokingGirlsAllAroundTheWorld, a compilation of graphic photos that show him choking women. A viral YouTube video also follows Blanc as he wrings a Japanese womans neck and pushes it toward his pelvic area during a walk through the streets of Tokyo.
It should be no surprise as to why members of anti-domestic violence groups have likened Blancs video which has had more than 50,000 hits to lessons on how to rape. D.C.-based columnist Jennifer Li has launched a Change.org petition telling hotels across the world to not let Blanc and Real Social Dynamics hosts seminars in their venues. In addition to Melbourne, venues in Brisbane, Austin, and Seattle, and online ticketing service Eventbrite have answered the call.